Hi Friends! So, my new website has launched. My mission is to make meditation fun, accessible and enhanced for the beginner and the advanced practitioner. Come discover and create sacred space within yourself and your home with me at
http://stephicaburton.com |
My product line of meditation mandalas will be ready for purchase within the next few weeks. These energetic tools are designed to help you meditate with your eyes open; a technique I discovered by accident because I couldn't figure out how to meditate with my eyes closed.
Let me teach you how to relax quickly and efficiently for an overall happier, healthier and more peaceful, satisfied life. To try my products without spending a dime, simply
visit this link and click on the image you feel drawn to today. Stare into the center of the image for 10 minutes and see how you feel. Report back to me in the comments or at stephicaburton@gmail.com.
Sending you all much love and light!